Traditional & Holistic Psychotherapy:
Interviews, Articles, and Resources
(Updated Regularly)

A - M


4 Seasons in 4 Weeks

A Soldier's Heart & Heart of Your Illness

Archetypal Dreamwork

ASEA: Redox Signaling Molecules for Optimal Cellular Health

At Zero: Quest for Miracles with Ho'oponopono


Born Scared: When Fear was Created in the Womb or Earlier

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Change Your Subconscious Beliefs in Minutes with PSYCH-K

Create Lasting & Loving Relationships with PSYCH-K

Crowheart: Becoming Unwounded, A Memoir of Transformation

Dawn Paul: A Healer of Souls

Depression is Contagious

Discover Laminine: A Natural, Synergistic Superfood

doTERRA: Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

Dr. Bernie Siegel: Faith, Hope & Healing

Dr. Lindsey Duncan: Founder of Genesis PURE


Dream Analysis with Michael Sheridan

EFT: Tap Your Troubles Away

EMDR and the Universal Healing Tao

Energetic Healing with Quantum Techniques

Enhanced Wellness with Hemi-Sync

Fall's Dreamtime and Going Inward


Fat to Fearless

Feeling Great:
The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety


Filmmaker, Jim Abrahams and the Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy

Filmmaker on Shaman Don Jose Campos & The Ayahuasca Plant


From Psychotherapy to Sacretherapy

Gates of Power: Actualize Your True Self

Heal Your PTSD: Dynamic Strategies That Work

Healing Depression Naturally in 7 Weeks

Healing Naturally from Depression

Healing with Past Life Therapy

Healing Your Inner Child

Holistic Brain Neurotherapy: Retrain Your Brain

Holotropic Breathwork

Ho'oponopono from Hawaii & Understanding Hypnotherapy

How Nature Heals and Enlightens

How to Release Stress Around Life's Craze


Invisible Worlds Art

Jeannie Zandi: The Dark Night of Soul

Learning to Breathe: My Yearlong Quest for Calm

Liberation from Mental Suffering: Help for Those Diagnosed Bipolar, Mentally Ill or Depressed

Loving Yourself: Free of (Emotional) Charge

Mending the (Family) Net

 Mending the Net: Mending the Dysfunctional Family

Mexico's Ancient Toltec Wisdom AND Listening for Coyote

Moving Back Toward Wholeness: Healing the Soul Through Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

N - Z

On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's

One with the Herd: Living with Semi-Wild Horses

Project Welcome Home Troops


PSYCH-K: A Simple Method to Change Your Subconscious Beliefs

Recovery International (RI)

Recovery International (RI): Mental Health Activists

Recovery International (RI): Mental Health Recovery

Regressive Hypnotherapy with Sophia LeBlanc

Robert Williams: How to Re-Program Your Subconscious Easily

Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever

Shamar Rinpoche: The Path to Awakening


Shatter Shame & Shine

Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head

Soul Recovery: 12 Keys to Healing Addiction

Staying Focused in a Hyper World

Stemtech: Supporting the Release of Adult Stem Cells


Support for the Holidays


The Anger Cure

The Art of Clear Listening

The Emotion Code

The Fine Line Between ADD/ADHD & Kinesthetic Learners

The Genesis Code: Your Key to Unlocking Hidden Genius

The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetics and Biology of Intention

The Happiness Code

The Healing Paradox

The Healing Power of the Breath

The Myth of Autism: Medical Solutions and Real Hope

The One Thing Holding You Back


The Open Focus Brain: Breaking the Addiction to Narrow Focus


The Orgasmic Diet

The Psychology of Eating: Outsmart Overeating

The Radiance Process

The Recovery International (RI) Method: Help for Nervous & Mental Conditions

The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process

The Science of Shame and Its Treatment

The Thirteenth Step: One Man's Odyssey of Recovery

The Trauma Tool Kit: Healing PTSD from the Inside Out

The Way of the Heart

Total Body Systems for Health:
Release Negative Emotions to Access Positive Change

Transform Your Life with Hypnosis

Treating Mental & Emotional Imbalances with Homeopathy

Try Laughter Yoga AND Living the Urban Shaman Lifestyle

Winter: A Time of Quiet Introspection and Preservation

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Sub-Categories of Natural Healing:

Naturopathic Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Energy Medicine

Mind-Body Interventions

Pet Care

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

Manipulative Therapy


Western Medicine

Traditional & Holistic Psychotherapy