Mind-Body Interventions:
Interviews, Articles, and Resources
(Updated Regularly)

A - M


4 Seasons in 4 Weeks


A Doctor's Guide to Alternative Medicine: What Works, What Doesn't and Why

A Soldier's Heart AND Heart of Your Illness

Adam Dreamhealer


Autism Breakthrough

Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom

Body Quirks: Total Body Solutions


Born Scared

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Chakra Yoga

Change Your Subconscious Beliefs in Minutes with PSYCH-K

Cravings Boss: The REAL Reason You Crave Food and a 5-Step Plan to Take Back Control

Dawn Paul: A Healer of Souls


Dream Analysis

Dr. Bernie Siegel: Faith, Hope & Healing

Dr. Gabriel Cousens: Whole Person, Lifelong Vitality

Dr. Joan C. King: Cellular Wisdom

Eco-Wisdom from an Ecuadorian Shaman

Enhanced Wellness with Hemi-Sync

Fall's Dream Time and Going Inward


Fat to Fearless

Feeling Great:
The Revolutionary New Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Freedom from Food: A Quantum Weight Loss Approach

Friendly Haven Farm in the Winter


From Psychotherapy to Sacretherapy

Gong Bath Meditation


Healing Ancestral Karma

Healing Your Inner Child

Healing with Past Life Therapy

Holotropic Breathwork

Ho'oponopono from Hawaii AND Understanding Hypnotherapy

Hypno-Reiki & Intuitive Counseling


Invisible Worlds Art

Liberating Yourself from Lyme:
An Integrative and Intuitive Guide to Healing Lyme Disease

Liberation from Mental Suffering:
Help for Those Diagnosed Bipolar, Mentally Ill or Depressed

Medical Intuitive, Diane Dennis: How to Heal

Moving Back Toward Wholeness: Healing the Soul Through Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

N - Z

Nutrients for Age Associated Cellular Decline (AACD)

One with the Herd: Living with Semi-Wild Horses

Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma and Awakening to Your Body's Wisdom

Recovery Intenational (RI)

Recovery International (RI): Mental Health Activists

Recovery International (RI): Mental Health Recovery

Regressive Hypnotherapy with Sophia LeBlanc

Reverse Speech: Messages from the Subconscious

Reversing Dementia and Early Alzheimer's Naturally, Part 1 of 2

Reversing Dementia and Early Alzheimer's Naturallly, Part 2 of 2


Reversing the Irreversible

Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever

Soul Recovery: 12 Keys to Healing Addiction 

Staying Focused in a Hyper World

Summer: A Time of Sunshine and Energy in Motion


Support for the Holidays


The Anger Cure

The Ayurveda Way

The BodyTalk System for Self-Healing

The Emotion Code

The Foot Fix:
How Our Well-Being Stems from Our Feet

The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetics and Biology of Intention

The Healing Power of the Breath

The Heart and Science of Yoga


The Law of Forgiveness

The One Thing Holding You Back


The Open Focus Brain: Breaking the Addiction to Narrow Focus

The Propelled Heart: Moving from Injury to Insight

The Radiance Process

The Recovery International (RI) Method: Help for Nervous & Mental Conditions


The Secret Teachings of Plants

The Three Keys to Help You Sleep Daily and Strengthen Your Immunity

The Way of the Heart

Total Body Systems for Health: Release Negative Emotions to Access Positive Change

Try Laughter Yoga AND the Urban Shaman Lifestyle

Wachan: An Incan Medicine Man

Winter: A Time of Quiet Introspection and Preservation

Yoga Postures to Boost the Immune System

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Photo - Christmas Tree


Sub-Categories of Natural Healing:

Naturopathic Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Energy Medicine

Mind-Body Interventions

Pet Care

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

Manipulative Therapy


Western Medicine

Traditional & Holistic Psychotherapy