Beyond 50's Top 25 Interviews


Ho' oponopono from Hawaii
Understanding Hypnotherapy

When bestselling author Joe Vitale heard stories about a remarkable Hawaiian doctor who healed a ward of mentally ill criminals completely without ever meeting them in person using Ho'oponopono, he was intrigued and wrote about it in "Zero Limits."  For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the actual healer about how to use this method for yourself that teaches "total responsibility" for everything that is in your life, "cleaning" the negativity, and to reconnect with the Divine.  Afterwards, Matthew Brownstein, the Executive Director of the Florida Institute of Hynotherapy will explain about effectively treating conditions (about 30 - 50%) that are psychosomatic (originating from the mind) using hypnotherapy.  Our memories are stored in the subconscious mind, and have within them beliefs, which cause our emotions, which can manifest as symptoms in our bodies. 

Related Interview:

The Law of Forgiveness

 - NEXT - 

Related Article:

Healing Ancestral Karma:
Free Yourself from Unhealthy Family Patterns

For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talk, listen to an interview with Dr. Steven Farmer.  He is a soul healer, spiritual teacher and shamanic practitioner. He'll talk about honoring our ancestors to connect with their ancient wisdom and free yourself of unhealthy familial patterns that keep repeating from generation to generation. You'll better understand the idea that our ancestors are us and we are our ancestors. 

Four Types of Ancestors

According to Dr. Farmer, there are three types of Ancestors: biological, territorial, spiritual and Earthbound Spirits:

Biological - This is based on genetic makeup through generational DNA, sharing the same gene pool that collectively makes up our family's common physical-emotional-psychological traits.

Territorial - These are ancestral spirits who act as guardians of a land and its inhabitants.  They can be material beings, known as the Old Ones, that once lived on Earth.

Spiritual - An ancestral guide that influences you to be attracted and connected to a different geographical area and ethnic culture, other than the one in which you were born.  The being can be an ascended master, archangel, spirit animal or other being.

Earthbound Spirits - These are ancestors who choose to remain on Earth for various reasons, due to unfinished business that keeps them attached.  They must spiritually evolve to eventually go into the Light of God.

Veneration & Communication with Ancestors

In order to have a good connection to your Ancestors, Dr. Farmer suggests the practice of veneration, which is to show great respect towards them.  They ask that we show them acknowledgement, validation, understanding and forgiveness.  These acts of respect can help to collectively heal ourselves, our whole family and the Earth.

Communication with the ancestral spirits can be perceived in several ways through inner vision (called clairvoyance); an inner voice (called clairaudience); by getting an intuitive feeling in a kinesthetic way (called clairsentience); or through cognitive inspiration, like getting spiritual insight (called claircognizance).

Healing the Family

Dr. Farmer noted that healing thyself is a means of healing your ancestors and descendents.  He offers various treatment modalities to address emotional and psychological wounds:

 - Hypnotherapy

 - Somatic Experiencing

 - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

 - Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

 - Breathwork

 - Yoga

 - Tai Chi

 - Family Constellations

 - Shamanism

 - Forgiveness Towards Yourself & Others

There are many other forms of self-healing to address the negative cycles of your past.  Dr. Farmer encourages you to experiment to find a method or combination of methods that can work for you. 

 *To Hear the Interview, Click on This: Ancestral Karma

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