Engaging the Aging Workforce in America

For Beyond 50's "Business" talks, listen to an interview with Cash NickersonHe is an attorney and current President and CFO of PDS Tech, Inc., the fourth largest engineering and IT staffing firm in the country.  He'll talk about the 80 million Baby Boomers reaching the "traditional" retirement age that is a slowly unfolding crisis that will demand legal, social and cultural changes related to the current workforce in the United States.

Retirement is no longer a simple work “on” and “off” switch.  Instead, retirement is a process that the American economy, legal system and business world must prepare to address with new and innovative solutions.

“There is a Gray Tsunami approaching,” says Nickerson “and because it is moving so slowly, we are not prepared nor are we preparing for it.”

  A Vision for Workplace Flexibility

- Flexibility for Work Hours - reduced hours, job sharing, phased retirement, and more.
 - Work Schedule Flexibility - Working a certain number of hours in a year, or working in a work group where the group is allowed to work more than eight hours a day, but fewer days in a two week period.
 - Flexibility of Workspace - Working remotely, or from more than one single location.
 - Flexibility in the Employment Relationship - like that which comes from project work through a contingent workforce company.
 - Job Sharing - Intergenerational Job Sharing: two people working 20 hours each with close to the same skill level.  Pairing an older worker with a younger one also gives you that transference of knowledge, which keeps the "brain drain" from occurring.

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