Beyond 50 Radio Show
Tune In Weekly
A Live & Online Broadcast

Beyond 50 is America's Variety Talk Radio Show.  Originally designed for those in midlife (or approaching midlife), we have found over the 10 years of broadcasting that this is truly a program for ALL ages. The online radio show offers compelling topics that are informative, educational, and fun.

Beyond 50 is holistic in it's approach to solution-oriented programming that is alternative-minded and eclectic.  We showcase celebrities, bestselling authors, top experts, and visionary leaders  from around the world.  You can experience new insights and breakthroughs not usually found in mainstream resources.

Visionary, Informative, Fun

     PODCAST INTERVIEWS: 2025      

Photo - Off the Air

Currently, Beyond 50 Radio is taking a
much-needed sabbatical after 20 years on-the-air.

          TOP VIDEO OF THE WEEK:          

An Improbable Friendship:
Israeli Ruth Dayan and Palestinian Raymonda Tawil

For Beyond 50's "History" talk, listen to an interview with Anthony
David. He'll talk about the secret friendship of Ruth Dayan (Israeli military leader Moshe Dayan's wife), now 98, and Palestinian journalist Raymonda Tawil (Yasser Arafat's mother-in-law), now 75. Behind the scenes, these women brokered meeting after meeting between Israeli and Palestinian leader along with the story of their extraordinary and turbulent lives growing up in a war-torn country. By telling their stories and following their budding relationship, which began shortly after the Six-Day War in 1967, you'll learn about the behind the-scenes, undisclosed history of the Middle East's most influential leaders from two prominent women on either side of the ongoing conflict. Their story of friendship humanizes a volatile conflict and finds hope for the possibility for peace and reconciliation.

       SPECIAL OFFERS & EVENTS:         

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Potential Threat: Your city or town is rationing the water supply.

 - This night vision monocular is small enough to add to your keychain.  You can see up to 146 feet with a 19 degree angle of view in total darkness.  The images show up as black and white.  It requires only 3 AAA batteries.

 - This low-cost, pocket sized water filter that's under $40 can attach to your kitchen faucet to provide clean drinkable water without any electricity needed.  Filters 500 gallons per day.

 - To test if you're dehydrated, pick up your skin and see if it snaps back quickly (to mean you're hydrated) or slowly (as a sign you need to drink water).  

 - Convert  Your Bicycle into an EBike in Under an Hour  (See Video Above)



How to Change Your Subconscious
Beliefs in Minutes with PSYCH-K

If you've tried affirmations, positive thinking, and creative visualization techniques to change your life, but they don't seem to be working, we've got an answer. For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, learn from Rita Soman.  She is a certified addictions treatment specialist in Oregon.  Find out about how to change your core beliefs on a subconscious level and bridge it with your conscious level thinking through PSYCH-K.  She'll also explain in great depth how highly effective this simple and dynamic method can be used for personal transformation.

Developed by Robert M. Williams in 1988, he received intuitive insights that combined various non-standard healing modalities, both ancient and contemporary, to change your beliefs that became the PSYCH-K process.

Conscious Mind vs. Subconscious Mind

Using the Conscious Mind through willpower, motivation, positive thinking and awareness of beliefs is not enough.  To truly access old habits and beliefs that don't serve you, the change needs to take place in the Subconscious Mind.

There are a number of key differences between the two aspects of the brain, according to Williams in his book, "The Missing Peace in Your Life":

  • Conscious Mind is Volitional - Sets goals and judges results.  Subconscious Mind is Habitual - Monitors the operation of the body, including motor functions, heart rate, respiration, and digestion.
  • Conscious Mind Thinks Abstractly.  Subconscious Mind Thinks Literally.
  • Conscious Mind has Short-Term Memory.  Subconscious Mind has Long-Term Memory.
  • Conscious Mind is Time-Bound, focusing on the past and the future.  Subconscious Mind is in present time only.
  • Conscious Mind Has Limited Processing Capacity - Processes an average of 40 bits of information per second and is capable of managing just a few tasks at a time.  Subconscious Mind Has Expanded Processing Capacity - Processes an average of 40 million bits of information per second and can handle thousands of tasks simultaneously.

Understanding the PSYCH-K Process

PSYCH-K bridges the Mind and Body Using Muscle Testing (also known as Applied Kinesiology) to communicate with the Subconscious Mind that controls motor and neurological functions of the body through the autonomic nervous system. 

Specific muscles on the body, like a raised arm with downward pressure applied, can be used to test an affirmation style belief statement that may be congruent with the Subconscious Mind, showing up as a strong muscle response.  Or, a belief statement may not be congruent with the Subconscious Mind, showing up as a weak muscle response.

PSYCH-K involves Whole Brain Integration between the right and left hemispheres for whole brain thinking that can produce higher levels of functioning: greater creativity, better recall, flexible self-programming, and "super-learning." 

It is important to do Whole Brain Integration because many mistakenly overidentify with one of the two hemispheres, resulting in outward conflicts and self-sabotage.

PSYCH-K Identifies and Communicates with Three Levels of Consciousness: the Conscious, Subconscious, and Superconscious (that holds spiritual wisdom) for Clarity of Intention.  Part of its permission protocols, it is important to get the okay from all three to do the PSYCH-K belief change process - setting it apart from other healing modalities that bypass this.

To learn how to do PSYCH-K on yourself or others requires instruction from a certified PSYCH-K practitioner, trained to teach the method.

To Hear the Interview, Click on This: PSYCH-K

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Follow the Pipelines: The Great Game for Oil in the Middle East

Brilliant Disguise

You're the F*cking Problem! A Guide to Getting Out of Your Own Way

America's Financial Reckoning Day: The Presidential Election

Four Lessons from My Three Sons: How You Can Raise Resilient Kids

Why the Blackmail Racket?

The Quantum & The Dream:  Visionary Consciousness, A.I. , and the New  Renaissance

Spirit Traveler:
Unlocking More Mysteries of Ancient  Sites
Around the World

Know Your Dog's True Nature: Understanding Canine Personality Through the Five Elements

The Manchurian Journalist



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+1 (800) 252-2595
Website + more for Sole Proprietors and Small Businesses